Bladed Beauty by Crys

What is Permanent Eyeliner?

Pigments are implanted between the first and second layers of the skin forming a line across the eyelid to create the look of eyeliner. Permanent Eyeliner can be implanted in the following forms:

Lash Line Enhancement – Simple line placed along the lash line that defines the eyes without the look of makeup. Does not included a winged tail.

Solid Design Eyeliner – A solid line along and over the lash line that is thicker and bolder with a winged tail. Can be customized.

Powdery Design Eyeliner – Soft eyeliner that has dark and solid base with a smudged effect on top.

Shadow Eyeliner – Shadow effect on top of the eyeliner or on the outer corner of the eye with the shadow transitioning from the wing. Gives the illusion of wearing eye shadow.

How long will your Eyeliner last?

This service may last between 2-3 years after an initial 6-8 week touchup.

Important facts to consider:

  1. Different types of skin retain ink better than others- If you have oily skin you are at risk of rejecting the pigment or pigment hydration, which may result in pigment migration.
  2. Skin that scars easily is also at risk during the healing process, so make sure to follow all aftercare instructions to the tee.
  3. The procedure can take anywhere from 2-3 hours. The area is numbed for at least 20-30 minutes prior to beginning. The pre-draw step is the most crucial and can take up to 15 minutes or more. It is very important that the lines are as symmetrical as possible and that the client is happy with them before the procedure is started.
  4. With tons of practice an artist can almost guarantee that your eyeliner will be twins, not sisters, but there is always a chance they will not be identical. The eyelid structure and facial features play a huge part in how close we can get each eye to look identical.
  5. Yes, it may hurt a little. The artist will numb the eyelid area prior to beginning, which will help make the experience more comfortable. She will also use a topical numbing solution between passes on each side which will ease the pain after the first and second pass. The client may feel some pressure, stinging and scratch-like sensation. Pain level should never exceed 3 out of 10. Please remember to advise your artist immediately if this occurs.
  6. It is important do your research before receiving permanent eyeliner or any PMU service, and also to become familiar with the healing process. Review the dos and don’ts to ensure the best results. These are included in your confirmation email. It is better to be prepared prior to arriving to your appointment. It is best to avoid perspiration during the healing process. Therefore,  it is recommended that you limit the amount of sun exposure and sweating your body endures during the healing process. It may cause the pigment to fade or smudge under the skin, also known as pigment migration. Also, understand that the eyeliner will lighten considerably after the first session, close to 60 %. They will look darker and wider when they are fresh and during the first part of the healing process, but they will not stay that way forever. If you prefer a bolder look, please let your artist know that is the goal.


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