Bladed Beauty by Crys

What is Lavish Lip Blush?

Lavish Lip Blush is a semi-permanent tattooing technique that creates a subtle, yet more defined, lip line, and can restore lip pigmentation. It can be used to enhance lip color or correct lip discoloration. You may also choose to restore your lip line only, with a Lavish Lip Liner session. The liner is created then lightly blended into the top portion of the lips to create a more defined lip line.

How long will your lips last?

Cosmetic tattooing is much more superficial than body tattooing and will only last between 1-3 years. A touch up should be scheduled 8 weeks after the first session. This will give the skin time to heal properly and the artist the ability to see what type of adjustments or additions need to be made.  Most people will need at least two sessions to obtain the desired results. If you want your lip blush to last, it is best to receive touch ups annually.

Important facts to consider:

  1. Different types of skin retain ink better than others.
  2. The procedure can take anywhere from 3-4 hours. The area is numbed for at least 15-20 minutes prior to beginning. The pre-draw step is the most crucial and can take up to 40 minutes or more. It is very important that the lip lining is as symmetrical as possible and that the client is happy with it before the blush is done.
  3. With tons of practice an artist can almost guarantee that your lips will be perfectly even, but there is always a chance they will not be identical on both sides. The bone structure and facial features play a huge part in how close we can get your lip liner to look perfect.
  4. Yes, it may hurt. The artist will numb the lips prior to beginning, which will help make the experience more comfortable. She will also use a topical numbing solution between passes which will ease the pain. The client may feel some pressure and scratch-like sensation.
  5. It is important to do your research before getting your lip blush, and also to become familiar with the healing process. Review the dos and don’ts to ensure the best results. It is better to be prepared prior to arriving to your appointment (See below). Also, understand that the lips will lighten considerably after the first session. They will look darker when they are fresh and during the first part of the healing process, but trust the process, they will not stay that way forever.


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